Trish Linehan
Lourdes Hill College
Trish Linehan is determined to give aspiring artists every opportunity to extend themselves.
The Lourdes Hill College Visual Arts teacher recognised that her gifted and talented students were not being given regular opportunities to challenge themselves and extend their artistic capabilities. Trish established the Studio Art Extension program last year to give them that opportunity. The program has allowed students to work with Trish outside of class hours to build upon their creativity and artistic talents collaboratively. |
“She understands the importance of creativity as a worldwide skill and focuses not only on teaching the girls high quality skills but also on teaching them to have self-belief and pride in themselves,” colleague Tamara Richardson said.
Studio Art Extension is just one of the ways in which Trish is working to enhance student achievement. She guides all of her students through the artistic process by providing them with constant professional assistance and personal feedback to help them create the best artworks possible. Trish is an endless source of inspiration for her students, who have commented that, thanks to her efforts, they feel equipped with the skills and the mindset they need to succeed.
Committed to the whole journey of creativity, Trish goes above and beyond to celebrate her students’ achievements. She hosts regular exhibition evenings where her students can display their work for their peers, teachers, families and carers, and the broader community to admire.