Susan Pryor
Riverside Christian College
Susan Pryor is dedicated to delivering outstanding academic results for low socioeconomic status students.
The Riverside Christian College English and Legal Studies teacher has implemented strategies such as academic mentoring groups, masterclass sessions, and digital aids to advance learning and create an engaging classroom environment that caters for students from a variety of backgrounds. Susan is known for setting clear and high expectations for her students, and her leadership in the English faculty has seen NAPLAN results rise for less advantaged students across all year levels. |
“Susan’s classes are ‘destination rooms’ – students ask to be in her class and those not in her class seek her out in breaks for her assistance,” Assistant Principal Stuart Taylor said. “She is highly regarded in the school community for the selfless and thorough manner in which she communicates with all stakeholders,” he said.
Susan moved to the Fraser Coast to help her niece and nephew, who have both been diagnosed with learning difficulties. Susan says she stayed in the region because she fell in love with the creative and inspiring students from Maryborough, Hervey Bay, Tiaro, Biggenden and other outlying areas. Susan has also developed a strong debating program at the school, and the school’s students are excited and encouraged by the successes they have achieved under her leadership. One of her senior debating teams is currently preparing to represent the Fraser Coast region at the Apex State Debating Championship. Susan says she is very blessed to have a supportive husband who bakes snacks for her students and provides an encouraging presence at her co-curricular activities. Whether it is in her classes or for the debating teams she leads, Susan is not afraid of constantly reflecting on her teaching style to ensure that her students always have the opportunity to engage with topics of interest and worth. A highly valued member of the school’s teaching team, Susan collaborates with other staff to boost their performance by assisting them in communicating with parents, editing their teaching resources, and establishing herself as the ‘go to’ teacher for marking moderation activities. Susan also teaches via Distance Education. Having attended regional schools herself, she strongly believes that where you begin should not determine where you finish. Congratulations Susan on your nomination. By Claudia Farhart. |