Loren Swancutt
Thuringowa State High School
Students with disabilities and learning difficulties often experience limitations and barriers to learning within a mainstream school environment.
As a Head of Special Education Services, Loren has utilised her leadership skills to successfully transform whole-school systemic practices for such students, resulting in the development and implementation of an inclusive schooling model. Through the delivery of professional learning, mentoring, and feedback Loren supports staff to deliver high-quality inclusive principles and practices that result in all students accessing rigorous curriculum within the general education classroom alongside their peers. |
As a result, students with disabilities and learning difficulties experience full engagement, value and belonging, and have experienced improved academic results, increases in senior school attainment, and greater participation in post-school employment and community engagement.
Her efforts have seen her being appointed as a mentor for the Quality Schools Inclusive Leaders program. This allowed her to lead projects in co-teaching and differentiation, improving the inclusivity of teaching within the school, and passing on her knowledge and skills to other teachers through practical demonstration and support. Loren is also the national convenor for the School Inclusion Network for Educators (SINE), a national network helping teachers to better include students with disabilities, and to foster collaboration among teachers nationwide. She has also developed a unique process of curriculum alignment and design which seamlessly integrates the learning needs of students with disabilities with regular curricular expectations. Other Queensland schools have taken notice of Loren’s work, and have adopted her practices. Loren leads regular cycles of inquiry to reflect upon procedures and practices, and to drive ongoing, evidence-based improvement across the school. Principal Grant Dale says Loren is an outstanding leader. “Loren has facilitated and led the successful school-wide inclusive practices model that the school is implementing,” Mr Dale says. “She continues to contribute to the school improvement journey through her professional networks and work with staff.” Congratulations Loren on your nomination. |