Julie Arnold’s 23 years of dedication to teaching is helping to transform literacy and English education, not only at Corinda State High School, but also in schools around the country.
Julie’s work in developing her signature Reading Routine has increased the volume and quality of reading instruction and led to a maintained improvement in NAPLAN reading results that exceeded the national average by 37 per cent. The Queensland Department of Education’s Evidence Hub has profiled Corinda’s literacy program and outcomes. The report is available as a resource to all schools across the state, allowing Julie’s work to be replicated in other schools. Students are significantly more engaged with reading under Julie’s teaching, and the flow-on effect of this is evident in the improvement of student achievements in Senior English. |
Julie’s Line Manager, Jacqueline Craigie, commends her commitment to continuous improvement in herself and others.
“There is no doubt that Julie Arnold’s work has had a direct influence on Corinda State High School’s improvement agenda and the improved outcomes for students,” says Jacqueline. “Her enthusiasm and dedication are infectious, and this goes beyond Corinda. She is a teacher who influences other teachers and brings out the best in everyone she interacts with within our school.” Julie was a recipient of the Griffith University Connect scholarship which allowed her to undertake professional learning in the United States. She has since transferred this knowledge to Corinda High’s professional learning communities and literacy practices.
She is also the current Australian Council for Educational Leadership New Voice Scholar, working in that capacity to develop middle leaders forum events. Julie’s work has been published in the Australian Literacy Educator’s Association book: Teaching Writing in Today’s Classrooms – Looking Back to Look Forward. Her work with Marzarno facilitator, Phil Warrick, was videoed and is now used in his workshops nationwide. This month also sees the release of her second textbook for Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Essential English for Queensland Schools, with Lynda Wall and Rhiannon French. Julie is in the final stages of her Master of Philosophy at QUT, with a project on improving teacher knowledge application to writing instruction. Her research will have a direct benefit to the school and other professionals in her network. Indeed, she has already presented initial and summary findings at the Australian Association for Research in Education and at a regional aspirants’ network. Julie chairs the professional development sub-committee for the English Teachers’ Association of Queensland. This year, her team has conceived and delivered the very successful Vision 2020 events program, which has brought together ETAQ and the QCAA to support English teachers across the state in their preparation for the new QCE. Congratulations Julie on your QCT Excellent Leadership in Teaching and Learning Award nomination. |