When you walk into Jordan Jennings’ classroom, her love of learning is evident.
The Bunker’s Hill State School (BHSS) Years 4 and 5 teacher’s engaging practice is one of the reasons colleagues have nominated her for a QCT Excellence in Beginning to Teach Award. BHSS teacher Sharon Rummell says Jordan’s classroom has a warm, supportive and safe learning environment where all students feel confident and supported. “Jordan plans and implements effective lessons that cater for all her students in the class,” Sharon says. |
“Community is one of the school values at Bunker’s Hill State School and Jordan has been an excellent role model for her students as she has built trusting and valuable relationships with her colleagues, parents and the community,” she says.
Jordan has been praised for her engagement in many professional development opportunities, her purposeful data collection, which is used to develop individual student curriculum plans, and her excellent knowledge of students’ individual strengths and weaknesses. Congratulations Jordan on your award nomination. |