iTunesU is being used to create student-driven lessons in a Year 4 classroom at Coomera Rivers State School thanks to a teacher who is inspiring her colleagues.
Emily Bray is using a range of strategies to ensure her students are engaged: she promotes a “think, pair and share” model for students, has organised flexible learning spaces and has embraced the whole school vision of digital learning. Master Teacher Kelly Young says Emily has also led the implementation of eLearning opportunities within her cohort and is an active member of the Coomera Rivers State School Professional Learning Community. |
“Emily has demonstrated a consistent commitment to teaching, learning and the professional growth of not only herself, but also others,” Kelly says.
“Emily has also developed and presented to staff during weekly Teach Meet sessions,” she says. One of the keys to Emily’s success is knowing her students and how they learn. She then uses this in-depth knowledge, in conjunction with evidence-based research and high-yield strategies, to inform her planning. “Over the years, Emily has had several students with complex backgrounds and has always persevered to find successful outcomes for these students,” Kelly says. “As a result, Emily has greater levels of engagement and more positive behaviours from students,” she says. “This means student learning outcomes are significant.” Congratulations Emily on your QCT Excellence in Beginning to Teach Award nomination. |