Corinne Roberts
WoodLinks State School
Corinne Roberts’ classroom at WoodLinks State School is all sunshine and butterflies, literally!
This beginning teacher excels at providing students with real-life learning experiences that prove engaging and make coming to school exciting. To learn about the stages of a life-cycle, Corinne facilitated an activity that let students observe real caterpillars grow into butterflies and chicken eggs hatch inside their classroom. Her nomination for the 2017 QCT Excellence in Beginning to Teach Award is testament to her dedication to the valuable education and wellbeing of her students. |
Working in a low socioeconomic community, Corinne has created a buzz of energy in her classroom that has empowered students to reach their self-administered goals which they then also evaluate themselves against.
Even as a beginning teacher, Corinne’s leadership skills are admirable. She successfully coordinates and leads the curriculum and teaching across her year level and is a role model and mentor to her colleagues. She is an internal coach for the Positive Behaviour for Learning program that she has helped lead and implement throughout the whole school. |
WoodLinks SS Principal Vicki Caldow says Corinne is always eager to invite others into her classroom to showcase her brilliant teaching strategies.
“She is a highly respected member of the school community, willing to learn to improve her students,” says Vicki. Congratulations Corinne on your nomination. |